SPACE - Library 2 - Volume 1.iso
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Text File
277 lines
Note that this is not THE manual; that can be found in STICKER.DOC
This file, TRANSTKR.ENG, is a loose translation of STICKER.DOC
above, provided by D.A. Brumleve, a fan of the program, to
facilitate its use by English speakers. It was not provided in
the original release of the program by the authors. If you are
going to try to hack your way through STICKER without reading the
instructions below, remember that the mouse has TWO buttons, and
take note of the following German words:
MANUAL FOR STICKER - Label-printing program V1.0
The following files should be set up in folders as below:
- folder STICKER
- folder HANDBUCH
- folder ASCII .TXT
- folder PICTOS
In order to make use of all of the functions of STICKER (Editor,
loading in of pictograms), a minimum of 1 megabyte is necessary,
with no .ACCs. You can't use .ACCs from within STICKER, anyway.
In case you only have 512 kilobytes available, you may run into
problems using the Editor (overloading the computer with too many
pictograms, with a resulting crash), but practice will help avoid
such problems.
After loading STICKER with a doubleclick on STICKER.PRG, a
picture menu will appear, through which you can perform all
functions. You will surely wonder where the pull-down menus are.
--Not, that the developer couldn't have provided them, but use is
simplified without them. In this picture menu you will find a
blank label that will be filled in by your actions. After
starting, STICKER asks you which printer you are using.
Thereafter STICKER will automatically provide the data for a 9-
or 24-pin printer.
If STICKER doesn't ask you this question, then there is already a
file by the name of DRUCKER ("printer") on your diskette. You
should trash it if you don't know whether it is for your printer or
not. The model for a 24-pin printer is a NEC P6/P7. For the
testing of this program, a STAR NL10, RITEMAN F+, and NEC P6/P7
were used, and none of them had problems with performance. (Trans-
lator's Note: I included a DRUCKER file for a 9-pin printer with this
upload to GEnie.)
Now you find yourself looking at the picture menu and the
program loads in the information on your disk contents into the
file-selector-box (FSB) on your screen at the right.
Above the FSB you'll see the actual path the computer is
following (for example A:\*.*). In the box below are the
filenames from the disk in Drive A. You can scroll through this
list by clicking on the arrows or double arrows on the right side
of the box. The diamond-shaped symbol in the middle of these
arrows serves to close opened folders. Below the list of
filenames are two Drive icons for selection of the drive (A or B)
from which the filenames are to be read.
In the row below the Drive icons you will find boxes with a
diamond-shaped folder symbol (which can be used as a symbol of a
folder on the label you create if it is clicked on) and a box
called EXT (which, when clicked on, will cause the extension (for
example .PRG) of a filename to appear on the label you create).
In addition, you can choose whether or not to include information
regarding the size (GROESSE) or date (DATUM) on the label you
create. On the bottom row of the FSB you can decide whether you
want to list folder contents (by opening the folder--ORDNER
OEFFNEN) or not (by closing the folder--ORDNER NEHMEN).
On the left in the picture menu screen you'll see the actual
label which should later be expelled by your printer exactly as
you have assembled it on the screen. You can get blank labels to
fit this program's products from Brad Roltgen Enterprises and
similar sources; you'll need the larger size that wrap around the
top of the 3 1/2" disk. You can fill the label in two ways: You
can use the mouse to click on the appropriate filename in the FSB
and then click on each line area of the label (i.e., between any
two lines) so that the filename will then appear in the specified
line area of the label OR you can click on any line area on the
label and type in what you want printed on that line. The label
areas are as follows:
The RUECKENTEXT (rear side of the label which wraps around
the back of the disk)--up to 15 letters/spaces
The MONITOR--click on it to specify COLOR (C) or MONO (M)
The RANDTEXT (the edge of the label where it wraps around)--
up to 20 characters
7 lines on the front of the label, of which the first will
be printed in boldface (you can't do anything about that
except write for the source code and change it)
2 GRAPHIKFELDER--the two near squares at the left and right
near the bottom of the label for graphics
2 GRAPHIKTITEL areas--line areas under each graphic for the
title of the graphic
DISKETTENNUMMERFELD--the first of five lines between the
two graphics for the disk number
4 line areas for little notes--between the graphics at the
bottom of the label
To fill the 7 lines you have only to click the appropriate
filename in the FSB and then click the line area on the label
where you want it to appear (left button both times). To fill
the left graphic square, click with the left mouse button on a
pictogram. To fill the right graphic square, click with the
right mouse button on a pictogram. When you use the right mouse
button, the graphic title (if any) will automatically appear in
the title area below it. With the right mouse button, you can
put certain previously-determined text under the LEFT graphic
(Date, Original, Backup, Workdisk). With the left button you can
put text of your own choosing in any of the line areas (or remove
what is there): click the left mouse button on the line area in
question; a box will appear to receive your typing. Simply press
<Return> without typing to remove a line you don't want. If you
click the right mouse button in the four line areas between the
graphics, you can put previously-determined text on those lines
(Protect, Unprotect, Format,...)
As described briefly above, at the bottom of the screen you'll
find a row of pictograms, the graphics to be included on your
label. There are six of these icons next to each other in a row.
At the right and left of this row are arrows which permit
scrolling through various rows of graphics, so that many of these
pictograms are available to you. The basic group of these
icons, which you can, of course, add to, is saved in
STICKER1.DAT. This is done by clicking "ADD-A-ROW", which is
between the label and the FSB. You will be asked if you want to
load more pictograms (LADEN) or create new ones (ERZEUGEN). If
you choose to load more, you will be asked if you want to add new
pictograms to those already loaded in (HINZU), thus keeping the
ones that are now loaded, or to replace those now loaded (UEBER)
with the pictograms you plan to load. Icon data is indicated
with the extension ".ADD".
If you choose to create new pictograms (ERZEUGEN), a new EDITOR
screen will appear with 24 empty icons and a tiny menu list.
Under the Menu Option "LADEN", finished icons can be loaded into
the editor. (Note that this does not make them automatically
available from the main label-making screen.) With "SPEICHERN",
you can save one row from the icon grouping above the menu as an
.ADD file. If you click "SPEICHERN", you will be expected to
then choose the row you want to save (by clicking on it), and
then click "OK" before you are presented with a file-selector-
box. If you want to title an icon you have designed, choose the
Menu Option "BENENNEN". Your graphic will appear and you can
provide each picture with a name and a "KENNBUCHSTABE", a letter
which will automatically appear last in the disk number field of
any label using that graphic (for example, you might want to
choose T for Tools if your disk-numbering system distinguishes
types of programs).
Through the choice of "EDITIEREN", you can change icons or design
new ones with a limited drawing program. Actually the editor is
self-explanatory, but there are a few things worth mentioning:
All the drawing functions are begun by holding down the
left mouse button and ended by letting go.
The right mouse button provides for an "undo"--click it
to undo the last thing you drew.
Setting points and deleting them:
Wherever you click the left mouse button in the draw-
ing window, a point will either be placed or removed. If
you start by clicking on a black point, you'll be "drawing"
in white (removing everything you pass over); if you start
by clicking on a white point, you'll be drawing in black.
This function allows you to cut a rectangular piece
from a full-screen picture. However, the picture must
first be loaded in by clicking "BILD LADEN". Only Doodle
and Degas (.PI3) pictures can be loaded and cut.
You can create erase areas of the picture with a little
1. Choose the solid black pattern (MUSTER).
2. Choose the filled rectangle drawing shape.
3. Invert the picture.
4. Cover the area to be deleted with the filled
5. Reinvert the picture.
You will surely recognize the purpose of the functions "CLEAR"
and "ENDE" by the picture icons, so we don't need to go further
into them. But just so nobody can say I'm lazy, a short
commentary follows here: With "CLEAR" you will completely erase
any label you have created. "ENDE" quits the program.
The text is not yet over, so read on:
| Copyright |
| |
| STICKER and all other data with STICKER |
| |
| by |
| |
| Shapoor E. Engineer |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Pictograms |
| |
| by |
| |
| Peter C. Behrens |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Printer Driver for 24-Pin Printers |
| |
| by |
| |
| A good friend who wants to remain anonymous |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Manual zu STICKER |
| |
| by |
| |
| Frank Steinmetz |
This program is Shareware. In spite of that, or exactly because
of that, you should, if you give it to friends and acquaintances,
provide them with ALL of the data in the original. Changes in
the program or manual and commercial distribution will be legally
Notice: Whoever falsifies STICKER or imitates it or distributes
imitated or falsified versions of STICKER will be
punished with not less than 3 ST-Basic programs.
Whoever enjoys STICKER and who uses it frequently should send 20
German Marks to the address below. Whoever sends a disk in
addition and a stamped, self-addressed envelope will automatically
receive the GFA source code in return.
Please send to:
Shapoor E. Engineer
Ulrideshaeuser Strasse 32a
3400 Goettingen
West Germany
Many thanks for your understanding.